Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A guy in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio...

...Give me a pen I'm signing, your signing, we're all signing.

Things I don't like:

-When someone tells me I can't listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving; Christmas music makes me happy and I like being happy all year round.

-Sloppy Joes; I don't know why. There is just something about them that doesn't appeal to me...maybe it's the taste.

-Planning to go work-out (or clean my room or practice an instrument) and then sitting at home thinking about why I am not up doing it.

-The elliptical machine.

-Hearing someone swear and not realize that they swore until about 2 minutes later.

-Facing my parents when I know they are disappointed in me.

-Not wanting to help someone when they ask for help.

-Feeling like I need to be excited all the time. Sorry but sometimes I am just not excited. That could be a good thing because then you know that if I appear excited for you then I really am. Sincerity is best.

-Losing my temper.

-Being disappointed in myself.

-Breaking my promises...having to go back on my word.

-Riding the bus; that may be why I have become so skilled at missing it.

Enough of that...

Things I do like:

-Coming home on a snowy day after walking in the cold and discover that Mom made hot chocolate for me. Then cuddling up on the couch with my hot chocolate to watch a movie with one of my little brothers. (Families are the best)

-Good lighting.

-When my family is all together.

-Being invited.

-Being told that I am loved!


-Fun, spontaneous activities with people I like

-Getting everything that needs to be done done.

-Reading/hearing something inspirational

-Setting goals

-Playing music just to play...no deadlines, no expectations

-Being appreciated



-Giving well-deserved compliments

-When my mom chooses to study in the front room instead of the kitchen so that she can listen to me play.

-Being with someone who I can just be with. We don't have entertain or impress one another. We can just sit next to each other thinking our own thoughts silently and be content.

-Personal one-on-one conversations.

-Meeting someone new...whether I end up liking them or not.

-Sharing secrets...keeping secrets.

-Trusting someone and having them trust me.

-Loving people

-When life is just good and there is no reason for it.

-Making a strangers day

-Pumpkin Pie

-Going out to eat without a time limit

-Finding out that one of my friends has a really awesome hidden talent.


-Good quotes

-Support...Katie you're the best!

-Respect; both ways

-Feel good Oldies music ("Don't know much about history"-"Oh where, oh where can my baby be"-"This magic moment")

-Getting something new


-Bananas and Taco Soup

-The real people Jungle Book; by far my favorite movie ever...it has everything!


-Sunroofs...or is it a moonroof? I guess it depends on what time of day you are climbing out of it.

-Believing my covers will save me from anything.

-My dad singing me to sleep.

Wow! I like a lot of things. Well that is all for tonight.


At 7:46 PM, Blogger Kortney said...

You sure do like a lot of things. Wanna know what I like? I like YOU!

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Frissa said...

Thanks Kortney!
I like you too;)

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Meliss said...

Hi Marissa, this is Melissa Bateman. Wow were alot alike. I never knew!


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