My sister said something to my mother today that I found very interesting. In fact it made me a little frustrated. She said, "The only person you can trust is the Lord." Now don't get me wrong. I believe you can trust in the Lord for anything ("For with God anything is possible") but I believe there are a lot of people in this world deserving of trust. Understand that the reason my sister (Debbie) made this comment is because of a family issue. My aunt and uncle are in the process of getting divorced for various reasons. Her comment was not unfounded and I highly doubt she really believes what she said but it inspired me to write.
I know from experience that some people are just jerks and will take advantage of trusting, gullible people (I am probably the most gullible person I know) but we can't go through life not trusting anyone but the Lord. A lot of the time the Lord works through others to help us. If we can't trust anyone we can't form healthy relationships. We won't be able to depend on anyone and we would be forced to everything on our own. A lot of people do not become trustworthy until someone takes a chance and places their trust in them. When they are faced with that responsibility they step up to the plate and accept the challenge. It is foolishness to form a world standard based on one situation.
While my mom was talking to my sister she said, "You can trust in yourself too." Debbie's response was, "I can't even trust myself." Then she said something similar to, "Do you think that -------(name omitted) thought his life was going to end up that way?" This really bothered me. No one should think that you are doomed to be one way for the rest of your life. No one should think that certain mistakes are unavoidable for any reason. That is the whole purpose of agency. We can choose how we want to live our lives and where we want to be in 10, 20, 50 years. You do not need to leave it up to fate...I don't even believe in fate. I believe in God putting you in the situation that will be best for you but not in pre-destination.
We all need to trust in ourselves. You can't accomplish anything if you don't have confidence in yourself. And don't be afraid to trust other people. You may end up on the losing end but atleast you gave them a chance to prove themselves. Don't worry, you'll live even if you are left hurting. Any pain or embarrassment will be worth it when you find someone you can trust. And I promise there are people out there like that. I know a lot.
100% true. It's all so ture! Good work on the post Marissa and I must say, I totally trust you!
you can trust this:
I love you.
Hey, I hope you don't mind me dropping in. I'm that weird kid in your stake. ;-)
Anyway, you hit the nail on the head with this post. We have to trust some people in life, otherwise there is no way to get through it.
We choose to trust. We choose not to trust. How can we know who to trust if we don't try it? Agency is one of the greatest blessings God gave us, and this is one of the many reasons why.
Anyway, good blog post. Do you mind if I link to your blog on my blog?
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